Find in our optics the latest technology equipment

Very soon in Llanogrande to be closer to you.

Know your rights and duties

Clinic specialized in treating ophthalmologic problems, wellness for your eyes, eyelids and eyelashes.



We have 12 operating rooms, equipped with state-of-the-art technology where we perform all kinds of ophthalmological surgeries.

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Diagnostic aids


Equipped with a wide variety of equipment to confirm the diagnosis of all types of eye pathologies. It is recognized as the most important in the city thanks to its constant technological renewal and excellence in service provision.

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The Sandiego Ophthalmology Clinic has more than 100 professionals between Ophthalmologists and Optometrists. Our specialists have extensive experience and excellent skills in the most modern surgical techniques, trained to evaluate, diagnose

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Find a wide range of lenses and frames in state-of-the-art materials, national and imported brands, adjustable to different physiognomies and budgets.

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Some of our numbers in 2022

Total surgeries


Patients whose lives we light up.

Refractive surgeries


We have state-of-the-art technology

Patients served


Learn about the experiences of our patients.

Diagnostic tests


Wide variety of equipment to confirm the diagnosis of eye pathologies.

Our satisfaction indicator


Our patients recommend us


¿Qué es un ortoptista y cómo puede mejorar tu visión?

⎯⎯ Wednesday, 20 de November de 2024

¿Sabías que existen especialistas que se centran en el tratamiento de problemas motores y funcionales de los ojos? Los ortoptistas son expertos en ...

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imagen destacada


¿Qué son los lentes progresivos? Ventajas de su uso.

⎯⎯ Friday, 13 de September de 2024

Tomas un libro o tu celular. Quieres leer, pero no enfocas bien y tienes que acercar las hojas o la pantalla a tu rostro, pero tampoco funciona muy ...

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Información sobre Clínica de Oftalmología Sandiego

⎯⎯ Tuesday, 13 de August de 2024

SOMOS la Clínica de oftalmología Sandiego, estamos presente al servicio de nuestros médicos y pacientes desde 1985, ofreciendo servicios ...

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Lentes de contacto o gafas: ¿cuál elegir?

⎯⎯ Tuesday, 20 de February de 2024

En nuestro continuo compromiso de ofrecer soluciones visuales excepcionales, te presentamos una guía detallada para ayudarte a elegir entre monturas ...

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