Gestión Documental

It is the list of information of the San Diego Ophthalmology Clinic, in which it is defined how long the information that is produced should be kept (For legal, fiscal, administrative purposes) or if it is kept permanently (For historical, cultural and scientific values)

Inventory Elimination of Medical Records.

Regulatory support: Resolution 0839 of 2017,

Article 3. Retention and documentary conservation times of the clinical history file. The clinical history must be retained and kept by the person responsible for its custody, for a minimum period of fifteen (15) years, counted from the date of the last care. The first five (5) years said retention and conservation will be done in the management file and the following ten (10) years in the central file. For the clinical histories of victims of human rights violations or serious violations of International Humanitarian Law, the terms of retention and documentary conservation will be doubled. If, at the time a clinical record is taken into custody, it becomes part of a process related to crimes against humanity, the conservation will be permanent, which must be guaranteed by the entity in charge of custody, using for this purpose the means it deems necessary.

For this reason and prior approval of the Clinical History Committee given in Medellín on the 31st of October. The inventory of Elimination of Medical Records is published, in case you consider yourself interested in it. Please go to the Clinic Facilities to proceed with your delivery.

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Cra 43 # 29-35

Medellín - Colombia