Ocular ultrasound

Ocular ultrasound
What is ocular ultrasound?
Ocular ultrasound is a non-invasive test which uses high-frequency sound waves to produce detailed imaging of the inside of the eye, and the structure surrounding it. Ocular ultrasound is a useful tool in the diagnosis and follow-up of a variety of ocular disorders, including glaucoma, cataracts, ocular tumors and retinal injuries.
In an ocular ultrasound, an echography device is placed in contact with the eye, to send sound waves which bounce in its internal structures, and are detected by the device, to produce imaging. Imaging will show precise details of eye structure, including axial length (thickness of both cornea and lens), retinal thickness, and the depth of glaucoma, among others.
It is a safe painless test, which does not require anesthesia, and does not leave any residue in the body. It is a valuable tool to complement other ophthalmic tests, and help health professionals make informed decisions about the treatment.
It allows the diagnosis of pathologies which are confusing in other equipment, as it has a high-resolution frequency which helps view the back of the eye in detail, and make a histological test of the ocular problem by means of a standardized probe.
What is it useful for?
It is indicated in the detection of ocular tumors, hemorrhages, foreign bodies, dislocated lens of the eye, retinal detachments, and all kinds of injuries which may affect a person’s vision. It is useful to assess patients with cataracts before phacoemulsification surgery, to do the follow-up of choroidal moles, and to assess patients who have been operated of glaucoma.
Recommendations for the exam:
- Be at the information counter 1 hour before the appointment.
- Bring a copy of your medical record.