
What is an allergy, and how is it diagnosed?
An allergy is an exaggerated and inappropriate response of the immunological system of the body to a harmless substance called allergen. Allergens may be food, medications, chemical substances, pet hair, dust mites and other common materials from the environment.
The most common ways to diagnose an allergy are skin tests or blood analyses. During skin tests, small amounts of allergens are placed on the skin, and then the reaction is observed. If the patient is allergic to one specific allergen, a red hive will appear and there will be itchy skin in the place of the test. Blood analyses measure the number of specific antibodies of allergens in the blood.
Besides these tests, the doctor may also carry out a thorough assessment of the patient’s symptoms and medical background. It is important to tell the doctor about any symptoms experienced, including when and how they started, how long they last, and how serious they are. Additionally, it is possible to take a physical test to detect signs of swelling or allergic reactions on the skin, the eyes and other parts of your body.
In some cases, the doctor may suggest a provocation test to confirm a diagnosis. During such test, the patient is given a small amount of the suspected allergen under medical supervision, to watch the reaction. Such test is only applied in controlled and safe medical environments, as it may generate a serious allergic reaction. We currently have three allergists in our Clinic.
Find the following allergists in our Clinic:
In our clinic we currently have 3 allergists
- Office 517:
Dr. Liliana Tamayo. Phone: (604) 2324339 2324339 - Office 608:
Dr. Ruth Elena Ramírez. Phone: (604) 5817666 - Office 717:
Dr. Carolina Gallego. Land line: (604) 2613255 / Cell phone: 302 307 7996