

Highly qualified personnel with state-of-the-art technology

We provide all kinds of ophthalmic surgeries, ranging from refractive surgeries to stop
using glasses or contact lenses, to corneal transplants and high-complexity procedures,
performed by subspecialists with the best academic training.

We have 12 operating rooms in Medellin, and 3 more in Cucuta. They are equipped with
state-of-the-art technology, and have been built according to the specifications required
by national and international regulations, which guarantee quality health service.

These are the surgeries we perform

01. Cataracts

Cataracts are a cloudy area in the natural lens of the eye (or crystalline), which is locatedbehind the iris and the pupil. Cataracts are the most common cause of loss of sight amongpeople above 40, and the main cause of blindness in the world.

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02. Refractive surgery

Refractive surgery is a set of surgical procedures which modify the refractive state of theeye, so that the use of glasses or contact lenses may be reduced or eliminated.

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03. Intraocular lenses

Refractive surgery with intraocular lenses consists of the implantation of lenses to correctrefractive defects (myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism). It is prescribed for thosepeople who want to avoid optical correction.

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04. Ocular plastic surgery

Ocular and orbital plastic surgery deals with pathologies, and either aesthetic or functionaldefects related to ocular orbits, eyelids and lacrimal ducts, as well as with the middle andupper part of your face.

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05. Pterygium

Pterygium is an abnormal tissue growth over the cornea. It is informally known as surfer’seye. Usually, those who suffer from it express the sensation of having foreign body in theireye.

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06. Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a silent disease which directly affects the optical nerve, it is caused by theincrease of intraocular pressure due to a lack of drainage of aqueous humor.

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07. Keratoplasty

The cornea is the tissue that covers the pupil. If it loses its clearness or showsirregularities, it causes serious problems in the construction of images.

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08. Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a progressive disease, which consists of the thinning and weakening of thecornea. It gets a conic shape, and alters the sharpness of sight.

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09. Retinal detachment

Retina is the internal layer of the eye. It receives and transmits the images going to thebrain. When it gets detached, the patient’s vision starts blurring, until he loses sightcompletely.

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10. Strabismus

Strabismus refers to a deviation of an eye, in relation to the other. It is an alteration ofnervous connections between the ocular globe and cerebral cortex. It is caused by the lackof proper visual stimulation in the maturation phase of the visual system, during the firstseven years of life.

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Before the surgery

During consultation with the ophthalmologist, you should specify the medications you take regularly, and if you suffer from any disease or allergy.

Take the medications prescribed by your doctor regularly. Suspend the ones indicated by the anesthesiologist or the ophthalmologist.

Do not take any medications which have not been prescribed by your doctor, or your
ophthalmologist, as this could interfere with your surgery.

If, for any reason, you must cancel the surgery, please, let us know by phone, to
reschedule the procedure. You can communicate via WhatsApp with number +57 301 530 8977.

The day of your surgery

Follow all the fasting instructions given the day your surgery was scheduled, or during pre-anesthetic assessment. Do not take any liquor in the previous hours.

Do your personal care regularly. Ideally, try to wash your head the day before the surgery,
so that you don’t have to do it the same day of the intervention or the day after (shampoo
may irritate your eyes).

Wash your face and neck with Isodine foam. For some specific procedures, a solution for your eyelid hygiene will be prescribed. The proper way to apply them will be found in the

Come at the scheduled time, together with a responsible adult, with comfortable clothes,
no make-up, no nail polish in neither hands or feet. Please, do not wear jewels or other
valuable objects.

If you are a contact lens user, please remove them at home.

Hand in your dental protheses to your accompaniment.

Bring the medications you are currently taking with you.

Remember to bring your personal documents, and those you must submit according to the requirements of your entity.

Don’t forget some insurance policies require either copayments or bonuses before the
procedure (such information will be confirmed during the process of scheduling your surgery).

Should you feel any discomfort (fever, cough, flu, allergy) before the surgery, report it
upon arrival to the clinic.

If your surgery must be cancelled for any reason, please do it by phone, so that the date of your procedure may be rescheduled.

Don’t keep any doubts to yourself: if there is anything you haven’t asked, check with the
treating medical team.

Important information for after the surgery

pdf  After the surgery

 Necessary care after ophthalmic surgeries. Download here
