Dry Eye Unit
Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry eye syndrome is a visual problem caused by diseases or damages which affect the production, composition or retention of the tear film on the eye surface. It has symptoms such as:
- Eye dryness
- Red eye
- Sensation of having a foreign body
- Eye itching, stinging and tiredness.
- Irritation
- Tearing
- Photophobia (abnormal intolerance or excessive discomfort due to light)
- Fluctuating vision (blurred – normal)
Our Dry Eye and Ocular Surface Unit has the best technology for the diagnosis and for a
treatment beyond eyedrops.
Keratograph 5M
Keratograph 5M is a multi-use topographer equipped with a high-resolution color camera with different lighting systems, used to study tear quantity and quality with higher precision. It is a non-invasive test which requires neither pupil dilation, nor physical contact with the patient’s eye.
Such state-of-the-art equipment provides reliable data, clear analyses and full
Palpebral analysis / Meibography / Interferometry / Lacrimal volume
Tear Lab osmolarity test
Such test is useful to know the degree of salinity of tears, which will determine the health
and stability of the tear film, which is altered by ocular dryness, as when tear quantity
decreases, salt concentration increases. The test results are reliable and crucial. Their
value increases in relation to the seriousness of dry eye syndrome. Therefore, this test is
crucial in the follow-up of such disease.
Quantitative measurement of osmolarity / reproducible, reliable and precise results /
Results in number of osmoles per liter (mOsms/L) / Perfect for patient’s screening, as well as for pre- and post-surgical patients / It employs single-use sensors.
Pulsed light – Thermaeye Plus
This advanced technology consists of permanent low-intensity micropulses, which allow natural refrigeration of the skin during the treatment, and avoid harmful side effects, thanks to LIUR technology (ultra-regulated intense light treatment) instead of high- intensity pulsed light (IPL). Thermaeye Plus may be applied safely on any kind of skin without either filters or cooling systems, which are necessary in most IPL platforms.
Thermaeye Plus is intended to contribute to tear quality, by improving lipid secretion from the meibomiam glands. The effect is based on increasing the temperature of such glands between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius, so that the density of the fat inside them may be reduced, and thus make its exit easier. This way, the stability of tear film may be improved, while it contributes to the stabilization of conjunctival and palpebral flora, thanks to its antibacterial and anti-parasite effect, which is why it is indicated for the treatment of blepharitis and demodex.
Other effects of Thermaeye Plus include the reduction of swelling in the palpebral region, and the stimulation of metabolic activity of epithelial cells from the eye surface. As well as the elimination of abnormal veins surrounding the meibomiam glands (telangiectasias), from local swelling, and from palpebral bags. Another one is the improvement of circulation in the area treated.
Treatment consists of 3 or 4 painless sessions in a little more than 1 month, each one lasts between 5 and 10 minutes. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti- parasite effect of LIUR, and to its aforementioned indications, it improves life quality of our patients, who suffer from dry eye, with lower dependence of palliative treatments.
It has been described as the unknown inhabitant of eye-lashes, it is a kind of mite which lives in the eye-lash follicles of some people. Even though it is usually harmless, it may be a pathogen and be associated to some diseases. Demodex consume epithelial cells from hair follicles, which results in follicle distension which may contribute to the fall of eye- lashes.