
Cristina Gonzalez Borrero

Ophthalmologist - Office 509


Undergraduate: CES University

Specialization: Antioquia University

Subspecialty: FOSCAL


Ocular Plastics. Orbit. Oncology


  • Oculodermal melanocytosis with the rate of uveal melanoma metastasis: analysis of 7872 consecutive eyes JAMA Ophthalmol . 2013 Aug;131(8):993-1003. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2013.129.

  • Congenital Orbital Teratoma. Case Report. Colombia Medical. Volume 43#1, 2012 (January-March).

  • Frequency of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in a population of people over 55 years of age participating in a social campaign carried out in the city of Medellín on March 24, 2001 at the Sandiego Ophthalmology Clinic Foundation (Medellín – Colombia)”. Published in Franja Ocular Vol 4 # 26 May-June – 2003. Orbit Anatomy Chapter, CIB book, pending publication

Other activities:

    • Postgraduate Ophthalmology Professor at the Pontifical Bolivarian University
    • Ophthalmologist Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe

Member of:

      • American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
      • Colombian Society of Ophthalmology
      • Colombian Association of Ocular Plastics


Mail: cristinagonzalez@oftalmologacg.com

Cell: 3054862464

Phone: 604 5576255

Instagram: @cristinag_oftal

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Entities served: 

Coomeva Prepaid Medicine - Suramericana Policy