
Juan Guillermo Ortega J.

Corneologist - Office 618


Undergraduate: Pontificia Universidad Javeriada - Bogotá

Specialization: University of Antioquia

Subspecialty: Clinica Barraquer


Cornea and Anterior Segment

Publications he has made:

  • ORTEGA, JG Cornea (chapter 9). Surgery: Ophthalmology, Umaña P., Francisco, editor. Editorial Universidad de Antioquia, 1995.
  • ORTEGA, JG, Panesso, JL Catarata (chapter 8), Ophthalmology. Fundamentals of Surgery, CIB, 1 ed. Arango, K., Mejía, LF, Abad JC Editores, Biological Research Center, Medellín, 2001. 
  • ORTEGA, JG Calculation of the Intraocular Lens after Refractive Surgery (Chapter 11) . The Lens Book of the Americas, Latin American Association of Cornea, Cataract and Anterior Segment Surgeons (ALACSSA). Livraria Santos Editora, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2007.
  • FREYDELL, H., ORTEGA, JG El Cristalino. Fundamentals of Surgery: Ophthalmology. Editorial del CIB, September, 2012. Pp 221-249.

Member of:

  • President of the Colombian Cornea and Ocular Surface Group 2020 – 2022.
  • Active Member of the Ecuadorian Cornea and Anterior Segment Society since March 2022.

Other activities:

  • Teacher at the University of Antioquia


Mail: drortegaconsultorio@hotmail.com

WhatsApp: 3006001798

Phone: 6043586693

Conoce más de nuestros especialistas

 Alvaro Echeverri Bustamante

Alvaro Echeverri Bustamante

Ophthalmologist / Office 525

Mail: aleb205@gmail.com

Cell: 3152107788

Entities served:

Poliza Sura - Coomeva - Colsanitas - Colmedica -Liberty- Mapfre

 Ana Isabel Rivera Gomez

Ana Isabel Rivera Gomez

Corneologist - Office 709

Mail: airoftalmologa@gmail.com

Phone: 6042626654

Cell: 3106010604

Entities served:

Sura -Coomeva Prepaid - Allianz - Colpatria -Seguros Bolivar - Colmedica - Complementary Plan Sura - EMI

 Alvaro Jose Jaramillo Estrada

Alvaro Jose Jaramillo Estrada

Corneologist - Office: 414

Telephone: 604 2626745 - 604 4085195

Instagram: Dralvarojaramillo


Entities served: 

Coomeva Prepaid Medicine - Suramericana Policy